Imagine that you’re back in high school, where you witness a person being bullied. But then, a group of people comes to offer support. Yes, this is exactly what’s happening in the high school of film and media. Indie movies are usually underrated for their lack of professional equipment, resources, and budget.
These films are just like any other film but, they are often low-budget productions ranging from a few thousand dollars to a few million. The horror genre's top films, such as the famous and acclaimed series "Paranormal Activity" and "Occulus" are just mere examples of the potential that indie films hold, even with low budgets.
Recently formed, the Producers Union is a kind of Hollywood labor union that includes more than 100 indie feature filmmakers. They have created a group and designed a constitution for the Union, leading to 300 more Indie filmmakers wanting to join.
The organizers shed light on the serious matter relating to Indie filmmakers and what they have to deal with. The organizers also cast a light on how Indie filmmakers have to manage without security, inconsistent wages, or employer healthcare.
Pexels | Filmmakers show their commitment by working through harsh conditions without complaining – but they're starting to realize the error in that conception.
The Producer’s Union’s Hierarchy
The first President of the Union, Rebecca Green, is no ordinary person. Green has produced chilling movies like "It Follows" and heartwarming dramas and comedies like "I’ll See You in My Dreams."
Green has joined hands with Oscar-nominated producer Chris Moore, who is now serving as the treasurer of the Producer’s Union. Many of the Union’s leaders are also a part of the Producers Guild of America, which is a trade association that works to create better conditions for its members.
The Producer Union’s President always comes prepared. Recently, Rachel Green conducted a survey on her website Dear Producer, which gave shocking look at the industry. It showed that in the year 2019, 41% of producers only earned around $25,000 or less.
Types of Membership
The Union was formed in 2019, and its website was launched recently. As of now, it offers two types of membership – one for producers who have created two or more feature-length films and one for those who have only created one feature-length film.
One thing is for certain; you need to stand up for your rights just like all your favorite protagonists. Finally, Indie filmmakers are starting to realize the worth of their work.